The legend of the Jean Jeezuz.
It’s San Francisco, 1967. Borne out of the counter-cultural ideals of peace and love for people and the planet came the legend of the Jean Jeezuz.
The son of a blind judge from Lompoc, California, the Jean Jeezuz [a name given to him by the County Sheriff’s Department] led a secretive commune called The Family, who gathered around the idea of living with awareness and in a connection with nature and one another.
To preserve and protect the planet’s resources, the Jean Jeezuz would wash his jeans just once a year. And lead his followers in a washing ritual whilst praying for the healing of our precious planet.
This washing ritual isn’t just good for our planet, it’s also good for denim.
So we tracked the Jean Jeezuz down. He’s now in his 80s, living on his ‘Magic Bus’ on the hippie trail in Uzbekistan.
He told us he owes his good health and long life to drinking a glass of warm pee every morning [sometimes not even his own]. And after some persuasion he gave us his washing ritual so we can pass it onto you.
You might not be a hippie cult leader but the truth is we all wash our clothes far too often. It’s why we’re challenging you to wait a good 6—12 months before washing your MTTR jean. And not a day sooner.
It will not only give you amazing fades — the holy grail of denim — but more importantly it will save lots of valuable, clean drinking water.
So when you’re ready to wash your MTTR jean, just follow the Jean Jeezuz.
Mr G